incur the wrath I have taken, but I obviously have done something
terrible. Last week was the worst week ever and it just kept getting
shittier. First my car gets broken into; then my brother dies; then
during Saturday night's performance I sliced my thumb open on the
damned hub cap again (note to self... take wet wipes to wipe the
blood off the hub cap); then I missed the second step when exiting
off stage and I scraped the shit out of my arm and banged up my knee;
and finally I started getting sick as we are opening the show and
Sunday I spent the whole day in bed (when I wasn't throwing up in the
ARRRRGGGH! So here I am at work (even though I am sick as hell
because there was no way I could miss another day) hoping that this
week proves to be much better. If only I had a teen angel like in
that Debbie Reynolds movie... or at least someone to come home to
that could kiss it and make it feel all better (poor, single me).
Oh yeah... the first review is in. Make sure to read it on the KDHX
I'll be your Teen Angel -- if I can just find some white pants and a cardigan...
Now see, just went to creepy place. And, by creepy place I mean cardigan. Bwahahaha.
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