Friday, February 2, 2007

Feelin' Good in the Neighborhood

Last night we ran Act 1 and I have to say, I am really impressed at
how many people bring their "A Game" to rehearsals. Even more
impressive is having the time for Scott to stop us during the process
and work through issues that may pop up. It really helps because you
have time to correct before anything becomes a bad habit.

Monday will be the first time I bring my guitar to rehearsal (I
really gotta practice this weekend). I also have a homework
assignment to watch a little Elvis and get some moves for Doody
during Magic Changes. I am also really starting to feel like Roger
and Doody have been friends for a long time and Roger makes sure that
Doody is "protected". And Doody, Sonny and Roger are really getting
along. I think the audience will believe that we all grew up in the
same neighborhood and have been life-long friends.

New note: A bunch of us went out after rehearsal to Applebee's and
had a great time. Thanks everyone who went. Jeff had a great idea...
Thursday is Joe's (Sonny) Birthday... lets do it again. I had a blast
(and Beth.... I feel your pain. let's lunch!).

Thats all for now. We have more dance on Sunday.

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